General Equation of a Conic

General Equation of the Second Degree:

The equation of the form
\[a{x^2} + b{y^2} + 2hxy + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0\]

where $$a,b$$ and $$h$$ are not simultaneously zero is called the general equation of the second degree or the quadratic equation in $$x$$ and $$y$$.

Now we state the following theorem which indicates that the general second degree equation represents the general equation of conics, and the classification of conics depends on the constant $$a,b,h$$.

Theorem: The general equation of the second degree $$a{x^2} + b{y^2} + 2hxy + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0$$ represents a conic section. It represents a:

(i) Parabola if $${h^2} – ab = 0$$

(ii) Ellipse if $${h^2} – ab < 0$$

(iii) Hyperbola if $${h^2} – ab > 0$$

Theorem: If the axes are rotated about the origin through an angle $$\theta \left( {0 < \theta < {{90}^ \circ }} \right)$$, where $$\theta $$ is given by $$\tan 2\theta = \frac{{2h}}{{a – b}}$$, then the product terms $$xy$$ in the general second degree equation vanish in the new coordinates’ axes.

Example: Identify the conic represented by the equation $$17{x^2} – 12xy + 8{y^2} = 0$$.

Comparing with the general equation of a conic we have $$a = 17$$, $$b = 8$$ and $$h = – 6$$, so
\[{h^2} – ab = {\left( { – 6} \right)^2} – \left( {17} \right)\left( 8 \right) = 36 – 136 = – 100 < 0\]

This shows that the given equation represents an ellipse.