Arithmetic Mean

Arithmetic mean is the most commonly used average or measure of the central tendency applicable only in case of quantitative data; it is also simply called the “mean”. Arithmetic mean is defined as:

Arithmetic mean is a quotient of sum of the given values and number of the given values”.

Arithmetic mean can be computed for both ungrouped data (raw data: data without any statistical treatment) and grouped data (data arranged in tabular form containing different groups).

If $$X$$ is the involved variable, then the arithmetic mean of $$X$$ is abbreviated as $$A.M$$ of $$X$$ and denoted by $$\overline X $$. The arithmetic mean of $$X$$ can be computed with any of the following methods.

Method’s Name
Nature of Data
Ungrouped Data
Grouped Data
Direct Method
$$A.M{\text{ of }}X = \overline X = \frac{{\sum x}}{n}$$
\[A.M{\text{ of }}X = \overline X = \frac{{\sum fx}}{{\sum f}}\]
Indirect or
Short-Cut Method
$$A.M{\text{ of }}X = \overline X = A + \frac{{\sum D}}{n}$$
$$A.M{\text{ of }}X = \overline X = A + \frac{{\sum fD}}{{\sum f}}$$
Method of
$$A.M{\text{ of }}X = \overline X = A + \frac{{\sum u}}{n} \times c$$
$$A.M{\text{ of }}X = \overline X = A + \frac{{\sum fu}}{{\sum f}} \times h$$

$$x:$$ indicates value of the variable $$X$$
$$n:$$ indicates number of values of $$X$$
$$f:$$ indicates frequency of different groups
$$A:$$ indicates assumed mean
$$D:$$ indicates deviation from $$A$$ i.e, $$D = (x – A)$$
$$u = \frac{{x – A}}{{c{\text{ or }}h}}$$
$$u:$$ indicates step-deviation and $$c:$$ indicates common divisor
$$h:$$ indicates size of class or class interval in case of grouped data
$$\sum :$$ indicates summation or addition

The one-way train fare of five selected BS students is recorded as follows $$(\$ ){\text{ :}}$$ $$10$$, $$5$$, $$15$$, $$8$$ and $$12$$. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the following data.


Let train fare be indicated by $$x$$, then

$$x{\text{ }}(\$ )$$
$$\sum x = 50$$


The arithmetic mean of $$X = \overline X = \frac{{\sum x}}{n}$$, so we decide to use the above-mentioned formula. From the given data, we have $$\sum x = 50$$ and $$n = 5$$. Placing these two quantities in the above formula, we get the arithmetic mean for the given data.
\[\overline X = \frac{{50}}{5} = \$ 10\]



Provide the given distribution of the following frequency distribution of first year students of a particular college:

Age (Years)
Number of Students



The given distribution is grouped data and the variable involved is ages of first year students, while the number of students represents frequencies.

Ages (Years)
Number of Students
$$\sum f = 30$$
$$\sum fx = 454$$

Now we will find the arithmetic mean as $$\overline X = \frac{{\sum fx}}{{\sum f}} = \frac{{454}}{{30}} = 15.13$$ years.



The following data shows the distance covered by $$100$$ people to perform their routine jobs.

Distance (Km)
$$0 – 10$$
$$10 – 20$$
$$20 – 30$$
$$30 – 40$$
Number of People



The given distribution is grouped data and the variable involved is distance covered, while the number of people represents frequencies.

Distance (Km)
Number of People
Mid Points
$$0 – 10$$
$$10 – 20$$
$$20 – 30$$
$$30 – 40$$
$$\sum f = 100$$
$$\sum fx = 2400$$

Now we will find the arithmetic mean as $$\overline X = \frac{{\sum fx}}{{\sum f}} = \frac{{2400}}{{100}} = 24$$ Km.